Evening with Rice Broocks

11:00 p.m. I just arrived home. Together with businessmen and some pastors, I was feted to a nice dinner with and Word from Pastor Rice Broocks at the jam-packed Victory the Fort.
Three reasons why I attended the affair. First, I wished to see and hear the author of the book, "Every Nation In Our Generation," that impacted me a lot this past year. I read the book from cover to cover. It revolutionized my thinking about ministry, which led to my "paradigm shift" from seminary-based to church-based discipleship.

I recommend that you read this book if you desire to grow deeper in your knowledge of God's heart for the nations and His will for your life.
Second, Pastor Broocks is a "half" of the story of Victory church. Pastor Steve Murrel, of course, is the other "half." That's interest-triggering as far as I'm concerned.
And thirdly, my dear friend and brethren, Marsel Meneses, had personally invited me and decided to pay for my "damage." I didn't want to waste his investment, so I came. Good stewardship plus friendship.
Pastor Broocks (www.ricebroocks.com) has served as pastor for 30 years now. He's a good role model for pastors. When pastor Steve once was "without affiliation," "without a local church," and "without accountability," it was pastor Broocks who encouraged and mentored him (see pastor Steve's recent blog at www.stevemurrell.com). A case of a pastor "saving" another pastor.

This Broocks-Murrel friendship I believe can partly explain the success story behind Victory's tremendous blessing from God and progress in the Gospel over the years. I praise God for seeing their example.
