Medicine for People's Sicknesses

This week, I got hurt. Our three kids just spent about two days in a relative's place. Then, during the time I was already fetching them on a Sunday, it happened.
This relative came in. While I was fixing the shoes of my little baby Angel, she begun criticizing and badmouthing my wife and kids in front of me as if she owns us! Terrible. This woman relative is known to have this habit and a propensity to assume rights for herself that she does not have.
I praise God I did not blow my top during that moment. I was able to answer as softly as I can though with meaningful words. Later, while meeting with my wife, another relative expressed partiality (instead of apology)on behalf of this woman relative.
At home, while sharing with my wife, I found myself getting irritable and grumpy inside because of the mistreatment we received. Though I did not show negative reaction to these relatives face-to-face, I discovered how I was not feeling love towards them in private.
Famous author Dr. Karl Menninger once wrote, "Love is the medicine for the sickness of the world." He explained that, when people learn to give and receive love, they recover from most of their illnesses, whether physical or emotional.
Emotional illness then, for example, results from a lack of love. When one experiences a barrier between one's self and another person, psychological and emotional sickness may do result. Simple love and honesty can bring healing.
Love is God's greatest medicine. Above human love, God's love is deeper and much more lasting. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). This is how we know what love is. Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.
I'm reminded again of this divine love in relation to that sad incident with my relatives. Instead of "reacting" to her (a private natural that happened), the Lord is showing me again how I should be different. How I should be acting and moving through it.
When I feel I am so loved by Him, then I can find the things that are irritating in my family relatives or other people trivial. God's love motivates me to change my attitudes and behavior accordingly. I am able to love others, no matter what they do to me, because Christ's love and forgiveness overpower me.
By faith, I renew a prayer and hope for me to be a link between Christ's love and another person in need of this medicine of divine love. It doesn't matter how I feel towards the other person. What's important is to obey Him to exercise my will (with His help) to let go of resentment and to allow His love to come through me.
What an adventure in life!
But I think you're right.