Ordained Minister, Cert. License No. 43408 - Angelo O. Subida
Clinical Psychotherapist / Author
Licensed Ordained Minister
COGWM Certif. License No. 43408
Cleveland, Tennessee
United States of America (USA)
As a clinical psychotherapist, licensed ordained minister, and author, Dr. Subida practices RevPsych - his own original, revolutionary model of psychotherapy, counseling, and life therapy/coaching that synergistically integrates psychology, neuroscience, spirituality, and border-less technology in helping people heal their "whole self."
Dr. Angelo Subida is a consulting and clinical psychotherapist, psychologist, and life coach in active private practice based in Quezon City, Metropolitan Manila.
He is originator/creator of RevPsych, his own revolutionary "whole self" hi-tech, hi-touch, and hi-mobile psychotherapy/counseling/life coaching plus model, practicing in hospital/virtual office bases, TV studios, churches, and outdoors - both locally and overseas.
He has been frequently featured in popular national media, such as television, radio, print, and worldwide webcasts, as an expert in psychotherapy/life recovery issues.
Dr. Subida is a Member of the Philippine Mental Health Association (PMHA) and active advocate of the International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry, International Association of Professional Life Coaches, and the International Therapist Leadership Institute - U.S.-based worldwide organizations of doctors, therapists, and counselors - as well as the globally recognized Online Therapy Institute (OTI) for online therapists.

Clinical Psychotherapist / Author
Licensed Ordained Minister
COGWM Certif. License No. 43408
Cleveland, Tennessee
United States of America (USA)
As a clinical psychotherapist, licensed ordained minister, and author, Dr. Subida practices RevPsych - his own original, revolutionary model of psychotherapy, counseling, and life therapy/coaching that synergistically integrates psychology, neuroscience, spirituality, and border-less technology in helping people heal their "whole self."

He is originator/creator of RevPsych, his own revolutionary "whole self" hi-tech, hi-touch, and hi-mobile psychotherapy/counseling/life coaching plus model, practicing in hospital/virtual office bases, TV studios, churches, and outdoors - both locally and overseas.
He has been frequently featured in popular national media, such as television, radio, print, and worldwide webcasts, as an expert in psychotherapy/life recovery issues.
Dr. Subida is a Member of the Philippine Mental Health Association (PMHA) and active advocate of the International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry, International Association of Professional Life Coaches, and the International Therapist Leadership Institute - U.S.-based worldwide organizations of doctors, therapists, and counselors - as well as the globally recognized Online Therapy Institute (OTI) for online therapists.