Forgiveness and Reconciliation

God has been showing to me the difference between these two biblical principles -- forgiveness and reconciliation.

Forgiveness takes one: Recently, God has been working in my heart to forgive someone. God is always voicing to me to release her from a debt she owes me. That means I need not be bitter or resentful or condemning towards her. God will take care of what was done. She does not have to ask for my forgiveness. Only ME is needed for forgiveness. It's a work of God's grace in my heart. This explains why I can still feel care for her.

Reconciliation takes two: Although I may have forgiven her, if she has not owned or repented of her sin, we do not achieve reconciliation. God is the model. God forgives people, but not all are reconciled to Him. God loves, but that does not mean He has a restored relationship with all people. We must choose to own up our sin and repent, then God will open Himself up to us because of "fruit in keeping with repentance" (Matthew 3:8). While I have forgiven her, she has not proven herself repentant and trustworthy yet. Reconciliation takes two.


Anonymous said…
Who is she? I'm having an idea. My heart goes to you bro.