Proverbs 14, 7
"The wise woman builds her house, but with her hands the foolish one tears hers down" (Prov. 14:1).
"Keep my commands and live . . . That they may keep you from the immoral woman, from the seductress who flatters with her words." (Prov. 7: 1-2, 5 )
"And there a woman met him, with the attire of a harlot, and a crafty heart. She was loud and rebellious, her feet would not stay at home. At times she was outside, at times in the open square, lurking at every corner .... (Prov. 7: 10-12).
"I have peace offerings with me; Today I have paid my vows." (Prov. 7: 14)
(From -- "Verse 14 suggests that she is a "church woman." This foolish woman cloaks her aggressive, flirtatious behavior in spiritual talk. Her religious activity is really a cover-up for her immoral heart. She may be trying to compensate for her guilt by what she does at church. Proverbs speaks of a man who "was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly" (Prov. 5:14, kjv). Even in the midst of church relationships and activities, we can fall into great sin and can lead others into great sin." "The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but he loves Him who pursues righteousness. There is severe discipline for him who forsakes Hi way; whoever hates reprooof will die." - Proverbs 15: 9, 10)
"Keep my commands and live . . . That they may keep you from the immoral woman, from the seductress who flatters with her words." (Prov. 7: 1-2, 5 )
"And there a woman met him, with the attire of a harlot, and a crafty heart. She was loud and rebellious, her feet would not stay at home. At times she was outside, at times in the open square, lurking at every corner .... (Prov. 7: 10-12).
"I have peace offerings with me; Today I have paid my vows." (Prov. 7: 14)
(From -- "Verse 14 suggests that she is a "church woman." This foolish woman cloaks her aggressive, flirtatious behavior in spiritual talk. Her religious activity is really a cover-up for her immoral heart. She may be trying to compensate for her guilt by what she does at church. Proverbs speaks of a man who "was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly" (Prov. 5:14, kjv). Even in the midst of church relationships and activities, we can fall into great sin and can lead others into great sin." "The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but he loves Him who pursues righteousness. There is severe discipline for him who forsakes Hi way; whoever hates reprooof will die." - Proverbs 15: 9, 10)