Choose: Laugh in a Tent or Cry in A Palace?

Recently I came across this perceptive line from Bill Jensen: "I'd rather laugh in a tent than cry in a palace." I began to think of those who are too busy working they hardly have time for what's really important in life. They're so busy building a career or empire they forgot to build a home. I'm reminded of Andrew, a successful insurance man who spent the last 20 years of his life "searching for diamonds." Eighteen months ago, he went back home. But by then his house was empty. His wife of 23 years took their two teenage children and moved thousands of miles away. Andrew remarked, "I have absolutely everything. All is paid for. But I've never been so empty. I didn't know what I had, until it was gone." Suicidal and desperate, Andrew fell to his knees and prayed, asking Jesus to change him. Andrew thought he was giving his family or kids everything they needed. He realized what they really needed was him.
