I'm With Somebody

Over the years, in the seminary where I taught, I’d tease the single women who were numerous among our staff and faculty. My “light-hearted, youthful” side. And everyone of us would enjoy moments of fun, secure within ourselves.
For singles, temptation and opportunity are all around. How I cringed when someone told me about the number of our overseas working nurses who would “sideline” as prostitutes in the countries where they work. Forbidden companionship. Not just overseas, but also in bars, parks, hotels, factories, even in churches!
I too have found such similar kinds of struggle difficult. But no human being can meet all our needs. However, these days we expect a mate, lover, or spouse to do what only God is equipped to do! So when a loved one left and will not meet my needs, in this loss I’ve found an advantage. For this has driven me to the One who is always there to love and care for me. The loss produces a win that no human companionship can fulfill.
Jesus never married. He understood being alone. Even forsaken. Toward the end of His ministry, crowds of people turned against Him. Family members, closest friends, hometown people, religious authorities, disciples forsook, denied, and betrayed Him. Yet at the end of His earthly visit, He said: “I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.”
No one in Christ is never really alone. There is God. “Nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39). “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). We can always be calmed by these divine assurances.