Life Is Sweet!

I believe that God is way more concerned about our character than our comfort. And that He sometimes uses the trials of adversity to refine our character. I want you to learn from Darren, a healing "mentor" for many. He is an inspiration and example. He's a Christian who experienced betrayal and pain from an adulterous wife about 5 years ago. Now he's saying "Life is sweet!" Catch him at his latest public blog and pics to know why HERE... Anne Brecht ( is right on many points in Darren's case: "keep your hands off and things unravel on their own," "do the right thing," "do not take matters into your own hands," "just because your spouse has "lowered" themselves doesn't mean you should "lower" yourself too," "sometimes, in love, you have to let go," "in due time, those who do such wrong will be punished," "live your best life, your best revenge" .... The Bible says, "God works all things together for good to those who love God and who are called according to His purposes" (Romans 8:28) May the tribe of Darren, a man of Christian character and integrity, increase!
