The Only Girl I Love

A beautiful girl I met for the first time,
There she walked along,
Stepped out into the shoulder of the road,
And begun for us a life of song.

We both loved the Lord and served Him,
Memories of our sacrifices and fun together,
Each passing day I simply longed for her,
I just had fallen in love with her.

We begun a music of living in marriage,
Composing, practicing, and perfecting,
In the lyrics of our humble family home
God’s gift of beautiful children enjoying.

Then, in some years, we missed God’s best
Oh, -- the light trembles within the circle!
Memories eclipsed by fierce ones,
Indeed, how great was the darkness!

Our loving Lord of course can turn bad to good,
For He is a God of abundant grace and healing,
Who makes all things worked out for good,
As we continue to love and follow Him.

Oh, -- there’s so much more in life!
My love which I pledged would surely never die,
For a simple girl I once met for the first time.
The covenant I have to her before God endures.
