Shattering Shame with Patricia Hulsey

Recently, I've read an outstanding short book entitled "Shattering the Shackles of Shame" written by Patricia Lee Hulsey. The book has already reached and helped heal millions of people around the world through the Harvesters International Network. I highly recommend it to those who need to heal rather than hide, to get free in the forgiveness and power of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

At the book's opening pages, the Patricia Hulsey wrote a moving, insightful introduction:

"One of the most powerful and devastating forces in the world is the emotion of shame. Shame is not something I learned about through research. I didn't read a book or go to a seminar on the subject. I agonized with its intensity when as a child I was told I was no good, stupid, and would never amount to anything. When I became a born-again Christian, I understood from that time on that Jesus died for my sins, but it was years later when I understood that He also died for my shame. Since I no longer carried my sins, then I no longer needed to carry the shame of my sins or the shame imposed upon me by others. Multitudes around the globe are carrying heavy burdens of shame. Some are ashamed because of their own sinful conduct. Some carry shame because it has been imposed upon them by others who have condemned them. Still others have inherited a cycle of shameful behavior or feelings from their parents.
Shame is an emotion that will keep you forever shackled to the past. It will prevent you from rising up to fulfill your God-given destiny. The purpose of this book is to shatter the shackles of shame that have bound you, your loved ones, or those to whom you minister. The shame of divorce, abortion, sexual abuse, abandonment--the shame of every sinful act you may have committed or that was committed against you--you will no longer need to carry it! This book draws upon the knowledge of several Christian psychologists regarding the subject of shame, and while much can be learned from their wisdom on the subject, it is only the Word of God that can effect change in your life.

As John McKenzie notes:
"Analytical psychology...can lay bare where the roots of man's estrangement lie; but it cannot offer forgiveness...Psychiatrists have realized that there are no techniques whereby they can dissipate real guilt feelings and their associated shame." [1]

...But don’t despair! The truth of God’s Word can and will set you free, not only from sin--but from the shackles of its associated shame. God did it for me and countless others. He will do it for you also. God’s strategy for shattering the shackles of shame in your life is not psychology, self-improvement, or group therapy. It is divine revelation. His strategy is based on His Word. If you follow His plan, you, too, will break your shackles regardless of the reason for your shame, the type of shame you bear, or the length of time that you have been held captive by its force. If you pause and listen closely, you may already hear the sound of your shackles beginning to break in the spirit world."

"Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed; neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame; For you will forget the shame...And will not remember the reproach...anymore." (Isaiah 54:4)

To download the whole eBook, go here.
