Slumdog Millionaire

"Slumdog Millionaire" the movie recently became one of the most rewarded, Oscar-winning films of our time. Slumdog follows the lives of Mumbai slum dwellers Salim and Jamal. They belong to the world's 1 billion squatters. Salim & Jamal are fictional characters. But their story is very real life -- poverty, violence, corruption, hopelessness and hope. It reminds me of my pastoral and mission ministry over 15 years ago in the slum areas of Quezon City in Metro Manila. I ministered among the poorest of the poor of the city. It felt for me like the scenes from the Oscar winning Slumdog Millionaire. But the lives of those whom I ministered to were real, not a movie. I shared Jesus and His Word and love to the slum people, I walked past tiny shacks, "dog houses," and areas of narrow sewage -- each day, each night I visited them. I believe if Jesus is here with us, He'll visit those in slumdog areas, even live among them. I pray and hope that I'd be able to establish a new, multiplying work among them again with God's Inner Healing. Pray for me for this.
