Trials Reveal Your Character

I read of a brokenhearted author who asked, "What happened to the girl whom I thought is of noble character?"
Then he went on to quote and explain Proverbs 31:30 which says, "Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
All of us have crises, trials, and difficulties in life. They range in severity from a noisy neighbor to cancer of someone close to you. When a crisis hits us, how do we respond? I believe that's where the test of character is. One said that trials do not develop character, they reveal character.
It is conceivable that we do religious or spiritual things and still have serious character issues.
One may recite a lot of prayers or do a lot of ministries in the church. On the outside, one may do a lot of good works.
But that is not enough. Anybody can be a "Christian" during good times and plenty.
But when things get tough, dark, and cold, that's where the real test of faith and character is.
There needs to be something absolute and non-negotiable within YOU.
Here it is -- the reality of true spiritual life. How do you know you have that reality within you?
Ask your self these questions: What drives you each day? What do you love thinking and talking about? How do you spend your time and money?
A common trial all of us experience is pain inflicted by others. Ask your self: If someone curses or wounds you, do you respond with blessing or dish out vengeance? Do you pay back insult for insult, evil for evil?
It is not enough that we call ourselves "Christians." We must be truly committed to love and obey Jesus Christ no matter what the price is.
