A Special Kind of Therapy for Severe Chronic Dyslexia

Here is an inspiring letter from Mike. Read his testimony and I'm sure you'll be enriched!

"Hi Friends,

If a 54-year-old man with chronic dyslexia can do this ... so can you!

My Name Is Mike Weber.
I was born in 1954, two months premature 3 lbs. 14 oz., keep in mind in 1954 babies born premature did not live especially at my weight. As soon as I was born a doctor put me in an incubator and gave me a high dose of oxygen that affected my brain. I don’t know If had a stroke, The Doctor told my parents that I have a very small chance to living through the night, by the grace of God I made it through the night I spent the next two months in the hospital.
In 1961 at the age of seven I started first grade, The teacher mediate knew there was something wrong with me, I could not learn the alphabet or talk without severe stutter, I could not read or spell, I could not write a single letter of the alphabet, in the second grade I got little better but not by much.
In 1963 starting the third grade, The school told my parents that I need to see some doctors in psychology to see what the problem is caused from. A psychologist told my parents that I was mentally retarded that there is nothing that could be done,  I was placed in a class for mentally retarded kids, through the years started acting like the other classmates with mental disabilities.
But I knew that I was normal and there were nothing wrong with me, I guess it just like, Smart But Feeling Dumb If that makes any sense.
In1973 In my senior year I still couldn’t read or write, The school gave me my diploma and shoved me out the door, Boy is that classic case of child left behind.
Right after high school In 1973 and I joined Oregon National Guard I served 15 years, I was still illiterate but I was intelligent but I could not understand why I couldn’t read or write, at the age of 22 to 23 years old I starter work for a city water department in Oregon.
When I was 31 I found out that I had a learning disability called dyslexia a severe chronic form of dyslexia, I went back to school for 5 years and I was taught the way a dyslexic person should be taught my reading level is first grade level,
and now it’s  2008…
I still work for the city water department for 30 years now, I still struggle with reading writing and stuttering but I don’t let it get me down, I found some software for my computer allow me to write it is voice recognition software, I may struggle with my disability but to me it just a minor setback.
After working for the city water department for 30 years , I’ll be able to retire in 5 years.
in July of 2008 started looking for some kind of business that I could do online. In a week or two I received e-mail about online business called  Global Domain International  (GDI),
With my disability it took me a while to read the e-mail actually it took me 2 days to read it, the e-mail said that GDI was a simple business in fact it was so simple a first grader could do the business , GDI cost only $10 a month  and I could start today for free with a seven days trial
So I told my wife that I wanted to try GDI, I didn’t have nothing to lose with a seven day free trial Then $10 a month, so I signed up, I was surprised GDI is easy and it’s simple as I was told in the e-mail. I have even own this website myself without prior knowledge of any website building.
I will never leave GDI, GDI is great business, I have been with GDI almost two months now, My reading and writing skills have improved
If you’re looking for a good business, I urge you to sign up today, Take it from a man with a learning disability business is awesome.
If I can do it, SO CAN YOU!
