Can You Fit The Pieces Of Your Puzzle?

I don't know about you.  But in my own story, there are piles of puzzle pieces. Things can be hard to understand right away. At times when I least expect it, I find a piece of my self that has no place to fit in. Those times, I have to make new starts that would move me on.

In sharing with people recovering from broken relationships, I help by asking questions all the time. And my questions are often followed by tears from them. Sometimes, from me. Hurting people often don't understand what happened. And they need some assurance that their puzzle can be solved once and for all.

To figure out the pieces of your life's puzzle, you need to walk through all (not skip!) stages in order.  It's part of the whole process of healing. The walk will allow you to see that the stages are natural and you are normal.  You need not fear the stage where you're currently in. You can choose to honestly face the stage where you are in now ... with the hope of pressing forward with fresh, better beginnings.
