The more wounded you are, the more valuable is self-care.

Taking care of your self is a priority, especially during a transition from woundedness to recovery.

A woman, recovering from the infidelity of her husband, explained: "There were too many important decisions to be made when all I could do was to think about the affair. Somehow, I pulled myself together at work but at home I couldn't concentrate. When I started therapy, and I found a real estate agent and a financial planner, I felt I was getting some control back in my life."

Self care involves meeting your needs and treating your self with grace on a daily basis. It's doing something pleasurable and nurturing just for your self every day. It may include reducing overload of work, engaging in new recreation or creative activities, joining support groups or clubs, walking or exercising, listening to relaxing music, taking a bubble bath or spa, praying, journaling your thoughts and emotions, attending therapy sessions, shopping for new clothes, visiting a hairdresser etc.

Why all these? An important answer is, you need adequate strength and support to sort through difficult issues and cope with your emotions during a time of crisis. Self care prepares and equips you for victory in the combat.
