25 Healing Helpers

How do you take care of your self through a crisis stage? Here are some recommendations for you:

1.   True friends
2.   Asking for help
3.   Relief from indecision and tension
4.   Exercise, get physical
5.   Deep-level counseling/therapy
6.   Books, tapes, workshops
7.   New hobbies and recreations
8.   Exploring family tree origins
9.   Nutrition, healthy foods
10. Prayer/God's Word
11.  Healing support group
12.  Creative Imaging
13.  Complimenting your self
14.  Self disclosure
15.  Not sweating the small stuff
16.  Grow in your passions
17.  Humor/Laughter
18.  Try new possibilities
19.  Volunteer and serve the hurting
20.  Join a church or community
21.  Forgive the unforgivable
22.  Lightness, simplicity, contentment
23.  Bi-focalism (multiple perspectives)
24.  Intuition
25.  Balancing
