Therapy As My Creative Art

To me, my practice of therapy is a creative art. One life at a time. I use art or music or movement or anything that strikes me during sessions. I've humor. I do things that innovate or are indeed unusual.

Everything comes together with therapeutic insights. Freshness in perspective. Energizing growth, learning, and healing. I share my passion for discovery with a fellow human being during the session.

My creative urge is often ignited by a person's problem or wound. More so, with that person's beginnings to look on himself as fit to change and be an instrument for change. You see, I've countless experiences whereby I shared some particularly novel ideas to a hurting individual or couple that they so appreciated later on. They forget their grocer or their neighbor, but they never forget what they gained during our sessions together!

For this reason, I live as long as those healing insights are able to create a new life. That's how I think my therapy is creative. I trust that aspect of my self. Though I work in solo practice, I never feel lonely or isolated. I'm never alone.  Instead, I find meaning holding space for people's pain to break loose from their rigid, self-defeating patterns. And be set free to think, feel, and act differently. Isn't that a contribution to the survival of our species?

Now you know, my theatre. Why my urge to create. Isn't it true to you what's true to me? Much of our existence is defined by the ways we can leave this world different or a better place after we are gone.
