Can "Hate" Be A Jewel?

"Hate" is a psychological and emotional state. Despite the negative implications it evokes, it could not really be that negative.

In fact, if you look deeper, "hate" can be good!

I once sat across a 28-year-old woman who screamed, "I hate my depression! I hate my condition!" She didn't really like her state and she's lost about what to do with her self.

As we progress together, she's able to use her "hate" as significant motivator to get better. Hating her depression was actually a good thing!

Maybe, "hate" is too strong a word to describe what I'm driving at. But "hate" or dissatisfaction is a jewel we better not miss.

Think about it.

You need to be emotional about where or what you are for you to take action!

You "hate" when you see your marriage crumbling.

You "hate" when you watch your children get addicted to drugs or the wrong crowd.

You "hate" that you couldn't earn enough income to feed your family.

You "hate" when you find your self unable to keep relationships or friendships.

There it is.

Define what you "hate" about where you are right now in your life. Get specific about what changes you need to go where you want to go.
