How to Breathe "Life" into Others

I love life.

Just have one life to live. I don't want to waste it. Part of not wasting it is to be a channel of life to others. As I receive life, I desire to breathe this "life" I receive to others.

In the course of my work as a therapist, I'm presented with lots of opportunities to perform this. Of all the gifts I could ever hand over, none holds more potential than giving "life."

Thus, there is no neutral exchange. In every session I have with hurting individuals, I either give life or I drain it.

This is actually the call of every human being. Once really understood and carried out, we brighten our existence by breathing "life" into each other.

It doesn't matter if your encounters are meeting friends or family in conversation, a meal with workmates, an email or Skype exchange, or a business meeting, it offers same opportunity.

You can breathe "life" into others in several ways. Here are some of them.

* Listen more.
* Give hugs.
* Smile often.
* Provide enough space.
* Connect more deeply.
* Give appreciation.
* Apologize for mistakes.
* Show extra understanding.
* Be more compassionate,
* Use kinder language.
* Increase your patience.
* Have a coffee treat.
* Pay a visit or call.
* Forgive more.
* Laugh and joke more.
* Give extra time.
* Help materially when necessary.
* Pray for the other.
* Share God and His Word.
* Celebrate the other's success.
* Give more insights and follow ups.
* Be positive and hopeful.
* Dream bigger dreams for the other person.
* Sing songs.
* Reminisce beautiful memories with the other.
* Speak the truth with love.
* Bless and embrace children.
* Volunteer your talents and gifts.
* Give a surprise gift,
* Say thank you often.
* Focus on common interests rather than differences.
* Offer forgiveness.
* Set healthy boundaries.
* Respect in word and deed.
* Remember details about the other.
* Give more responsibility.
* Empower, not enable.

Yes friend, give more "life" to others. With that, you'll get more for your self.
