How People Change
People want to change because of the mess or breakdowns they currently experience in their lives.
Mostly, it’s issues related to self, relationships, and one’s productivity or meaning in life.
However, there is a common block why people find it so hard to change: a depraved, injured mind.
With that, perception is absent or distorted. They look but can’t see. They observe surface, but omit what’s underneath.
They remember their wounded past. Even if they don’t choose to live in it, they remain there. Something is always lurking or following them in the shadow.
“I know what I want. But I can’t change to get what I want,” as one addicted patient put it.
Due to his developed psychological state, it may not just be his “inability.” Often, it can also be his “refusal.”
Psychotherapeutically, it’s the damaged “unconscious” needing to be freed.
In order to change and free your self then, you’ve to deal with your unconscious organizing principles.
You may not 100% change in your lifetime, yet you can grow. And live a quality life in your remaining years.
Be prepared to shoulder part of the responsibility if you expect to reap rewards. There is no magic or quick fix. Careful, slow growth lasts.
As you do this, such as what transpires in the process of therapy, you renew your mind.
You grow into relying upon the new (eg. thoughts, emotions, behaviors) until the old, dysfunctional ones fade away.
Insight plus action changes people’s life to the better, not reduce it to mere existence.
“There’s a lot more to health than not being sick.”
— Dr. Bruce Larson
“There’s a lot more to health than not being sick.”
— Dr. Bruce Larson