May I Connect With You?

My approach to psychotherapy is not mainstream. It’s untraditional. Non-secular. And I’m always unapologetic to say that.

I am human. You are human. We’re both human.

We live in the same world. We both live in borrowed time. We both die, someday.

When I put my gaze on the existential facts of our common humanity, I see no significant difference.

That means, we’re fellow travelers. 

In psychotherapy sessions, my main goal is connectedness. I’d like to connect with you, not as doctor to patient but as human to human.

To that end, I am resolved to let go of any unnecessary artificial or man-made barriers:  hiding behind a role, title, diplomas, awards, education, social status etc

In the process of therapy, I may be an expert. I may know the content of therapy beyond the visible or obvious.

But I’m not infallible. Because, like you. I’m human. And, in psychotherapy, we’re in a journey together.

In view of this, I take liberty in seeing you whenever, wherever, in the daily ebb and flow of life.

It’s 24/7, location-independent, even virtual.  Mostly in coffee shops, but also in parks, malls, offices, homes, the woods or beaches ... any natural place where we do life.

The world or universe we share is the clinic.

Having been through lots of personal crises myself, and most importantly, having helped countless others heal and overcome personal mishaps, I’ve a lot more to share with you.

Not just the usual, pragmatic step by step advice of psychology and psychotherapy.

But a real Lifeline - an ultimate solution to overcome your crises or wounds.

May I connect with you to discover it more?