Insecurity, What’s That?
How insecurity- proof are you in the face of rejection or criticism?
That’s a tough question related to life and relationships in general.
Most of us have plenty of trouble handling feelings of rejection. Thus, showing even deep insecurity and impairment of mental health.
One sunny morning, I took a metro rail transit to go to a place of appointment.
Beside me was a young woman who seemed to had occupied the wrong line. A security guard approached her to remind her where she should be.
A few seconds after, the young woman was profusely in tears, just by herself. She took the reminder too personally. A rejection of her.
What this illustration shows is how deceiving our feelings of insecurity, rejection, or inferiority are.
And I dare say all of us have one or more areas about our selves where we exhibit such kind of “blind spot.” It’s amazing how hard it is to see this in us.
In psychotherapy, we approach feelings of insecurity, inferiority, and rejection with “truth in labeling.”
We need to look at the psychology as well as the spirituality of it - how it affects our minds and souls, so we can start healing.
Unless, you’re afraid to look!
Dr. Calvin Miller, a pastoral psychotherapist, in his book “Becoming Your Self in the Making,” writes:
“The healing of damaged selves is bound up in Jesus who attracts the depressed and inferiority-ridden. Those who come to Him, find Him so altogether worthy that they relinquish unnecessary self- concern, lost in the wonder of His greatness.”
Dr. Calvin Miller, a pastoral psychotherapist, in his book “Becoming Your Self in the Making,” writes:
“The healing of damaged selves is bound up in Jesus who attracts the depressed and inferiority-ridden. Those who come to Him, find Him so altogether worthy that they relinquish unnecessary self- concern, lost in the wonder of His greatness.”