Being a “Whole Person”
Several months ago, I’d counseled a young man who was admitted to the hospital for attempting suicide.

At that time, his girlfriend whom he had frequent sex with just broke up with him. She complained to him that she’s not a “sex object.”
It appears that the center of the life of this young man had been his girlfriend or sex partner or even sex.
And so, when the relationship dissolved, his center was suddenly removed. This made the breakup even more painful.
So many confuse sex with love. Is it “I love you” or “I sex you?” There’s a whale of difference.
So many have not centered on love within themselves so they can properly love others.
What might it be like if you are a “whole person” and have learned to love your self?
If you lose a partner or someone you love, there would still be pain and trauma.
Of course. By our human nature, as a matter of fact.
But it would not be so devastating a trauma or loss.
Because to begin with, you are a “whole person.”