Authoring Your Life
Many years ago, I watched a film starring Wil Smith.
It’s about a broken marriage, unemployment, hunger, and homelessness of a devoted father with his little son.

Instead of allowing one’s self to be wallowed in self pity, depression, and helplessness, he “took over.”
Eventually, through determination and hard work, he became a millionaire corporate man amid unbelievable odds.
This an inspirational story, for me, of taking responsibility over authoring your own life.
Nobody can do it for you. Only you.
Though you’re not responsible for the chaos or brokenness of your life, you are responsible for how to author the “experience of it.”
That requires an active stance. Not passivity. With full acceptance of the challenges, limits, and reality of one’s self and circumstances.
If you’re going through a lot of hardships right now, in whatever way or circumstances, you’re in charge.
You can author a new self, a new future, with even greater significance and direction.
If you choose to.
As writer Henry Ward Beecher once out it, “Troubles are often tools by which God fashions us for better things.”