Moving from Grief to Growth

“Music needs the holes of the flute;
Letters need the white of the paper;
Light needs the emptiness of windows.”
— J. Vernette and C. Moncelon

Is your life strewn with pain and loss?

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It’s the lot of our human lifetime that we go through inevitable series of losses.

One, losses related to the developmental stages of our overall being as we age.

Two, losses that are sudden, unexpected, or unforeseen, such as heartbreaks, accidents, or sicknesses.

Grief is an innate experience in both. No one escapes the process.

I’ve been thinking of stages of grief that we need to be aware of to monitor our recovery process.

First stage: shock
Second stage: denial 
Third stage: experiencing and expressing emotions
Fourth stage: searching and finding the meaning of the loss
Fifth stage: forgiving the other and your self 
Sixth stage: claiming the lesson and the legacy 
Seventh: celebrating the end of grief 

Heed what Richard Bach once reminds us,

“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world
The rest of the world calls butterfly.”

