Poverty: A Mental Health Issue

Poverty is a mental health issue. If left unaddressed or remedied, it could lead to debilitating psychological conditions.

I remember, many years ago, I did volunteer work in a large depressed squatter community.

One time during one of my community group sessions,  a teen girl suddenly dropped to the floor. 

She behaved as if she’s having a violent convulsion, with shoutings and cries.

I asked the others to help me bring her to their home. She seemed fine, physically.

Arriving, we found her mother almost naked and staring at us from a folding bed.

The family was hungry for food. They’d not eaten for days. 

To restore this family’s mental health is to remedy their “havingness.”

We had to do something about it as part of the recovery process.

Poverty is a global problem. It’s one of the most difficult problems governments face among affected nations.

Getting out of it is more than economic. It’s also primarily psychological and spiritual.

Provision and abundance often follows faith and taking right actions.

“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a life abundantly.” (John‬ ‭10:10‬)

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