When You Come Home
“Do you feel at home in your family?,” I asked a runaway teenager during our session yesterday.
He responded, honestly, “Never.”
During our conversation, he’d point to things he felt that he wanted to tell his Mom and Dad. But they remained just in his mouth.
When I was much younger, I experienced the same predicament. I was a quiet, angry youth.
But now I speak. I’ve learned to put away the mask that I tended to wear in everyday life.
I’ve found my home, just being myself as I am.
I think this explains why I can feel at home being with my clients, no matter how distressed they are.
I’ve stopped being a fool. I’ve discovered how beautiful life can be when you’re at home.
It’s even when I realize how rare this could be for many people. Some die without ever once knowing what home is really like.
Whether young or old, rich or poor, you are happiest when you find peace where you are and you call home.
Up until now, you may be life’s slave. But now, you can be its master.
When you come home.