Mental Health and Your Credit Card
The credit card is a magical plastic card in your pocket. It has useful purposes in personal economy.
Within known limits, it can expedite the growth of your business or family finances.
However, with mounting unpaid debts, it can be a threat to your financial wellness and mental health.
As financial expert and author, Howard Dayton, put it, “I do not believe credit cards are sinful, but they are dangerous.”
Dayton says it best.
This pandemic, credit cards are one of the major sources of financial pain. Even mental health breakdowns!
If you are able to pay diligently your entire monthly balance due, you can probably handle those plastic cards.
If not, they’ll be too dangerous for you!
You’ll always be hurting when the bill arrives.
Many financial therapists and counselors require their clients to get rid of those credit cards even before any counseling begins.
I hate how this pandemic has created overwhelming financial pain in our lives.
We have to hope and pray a lot the rest of 2020 and even beyond about what should really matter in our lives in relation to money.
Take a good hard look at your numbers. It can be a matter of death or life.