Psychological Aspirin

Doctors speak of “aspirin.” 

They say that it raises your pain threshold so you contain more pain before you’re conscious of it.

Psychologically, I found that music, writing, books, and chess raise my “threshold of pain.”

On days when I’m down, God uses these channels to assuage my brain and soul to endure stronger and longer any pain.

And progressively, get out of it.

It’s been a hard week for us. Floods. Power outage. Emergencies.

Typhoon Ulysses, which seems much stronger and longer than Rolly, is big in rains and winds.

Often great typhoons create heavy pain and damage in people’s lives.

Have you taken your psychological and spiritual “aspirin” to weather the storm?

Nehemiah writes, “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” (8:10)

Joy of the Lord is spiritual and psychological “aspirin.” 

When you’re full of God’s joy, the crisis and damage of storms don’t touch you so quickly.


joy of the Lord, aspirin, psychotherapist Manila, life coach Manila, psychologist philippines, marital therapy counseling Manila, parent child therapy counseling Manila, depression
