Turn Your Pain Into Art

Author and rabbi Harold Kushner lost his first born son, Aaron, to a rare disease.

It’s a strange disease which produced rapid aging in his son from age 3.

That his child would lose a lot of hair, be stunted in growth, look like a very old man - and die in his teens.

It’s so painful. Out of the pain, Kushner writes:

“I am a more sensitive person, a more effective pastor, a more sympathetic counselor because Aaron’s life and death than I would ever have been without it.”

Kushner had no choice but to turn the pain into art in his own life and works.

To forge new adaptations and colors out of the pain and memory.

To acknowledge the pain, to feel it, and to live past it.

Through mourning, accept and resolve the painful challenges that loss brings ...

and then start to approach the end of mourning ...

and hopefully, life offers sweet options afterwards.

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