Money Shame
Joan, a grown-up 40, remains dependent on her aged parents for money. She never held a stable job.
“It’s dirty, if I make money and become materialistic,” she said especially during her younger days as a social worker.
It exists. Money shame.
It can take years of self reflection, forgiveness, and practice to heal money shame.
According to bestselling author and money expert Bari Tessler, money shame might be tied to “upbringing.”
She cited the examples or variants like:
“If I make a lot of money, I’m betraying my working class roots.”
“People who have money are bad.”
“Why can’t I save and pay my bills on time?”
“Why can’t I be more financially independent?”
“Wanting a lot of money is selfish.”
“I’m not good enough to earn money.”
Shaming ourselves is ancient, unconscious pattern. That includes in the area of money.
Begin healing this kind of shame in your mind.
Close your eyes, and ask your self:
“What is your earliest memory of money?”
The beginning of recovery is awareness or diagnosis first - something happened in your earliest encounters with money that affected or framed you up for the rest of your life.
“Anything that is not expressed is imprinted on the self.”
- Origen