If You Could Return to Any Age, What Would You Choose?

A long time ago, I interned in a mental hospital ward as part of my psychology graduate school work.

I met a man there who never spoke to anyone. One of the sickest psychotic patients the hospital ever had for over a decade.

Well, I won’t speak to him too! Somewhat comfortable, lesser stress.

In my many visits, I’d simply find a chair, pull it over, and look or smile at  him as he ate, sat,  or walked alone.

Then, one day as I was about to leave, the man suddenly said, “Bye, see you.” 

The first time he spoke, as far as I knew. After that, he started to get better and would speak more regularly.

If you could return to any age, what age would you choose?

Studies show that most people choose a year in the intimacy stage of our human development (ages 18-35).

It’s a stage where a main focus is love and intimacy. 

Most often, it’s about hugs, friends, and deep personal sharing. 

Psychopathology and a host of life’s problems revolve around major deficits in that area.

We think intimacy only connotes sex. Yet its real meaning is actually sharing of heart and spirit.

The psychotic man I was with in that hospital finally acknowledged this when he said, “Bye, see you.”

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“... and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”
— Romans 5:5

