Understanding Delusions
“I’m Jose Rizal. I’m also Hitler!,” said an old man confined for years in the local mental hospital.
Delusions are things falsely believed in the mind.
Here are common delusions:
1. Delusion of grandeur
— a person exaggerates or has an unrealistic sense of his importance, power, identity
2. Delusion of Persecution
— false belief that others are out to harm or persecute in some way, such as suspecting one is being watched or offered poisonous food
3. Delusion of Reference
— everything in the surroundings are related to the person
4. Somatic Delusion
— an unrealistic belief about the body
4. Control Delusion
— someone or something is controlling the person
A quote from Ryan Holiday says,
“What I’ve found ... is that realism and self-honesty are the antidote to ego, hubris, and delusion.”