How to Deal with Bullies

How do you face bullies in your life?  

Bullies are everywhere. In the family or home. School. Workplace. In the streets. In the playground. Online. 

Practically, anywhere you go, there may be bullies.

Mental health problems develop when a person does not have “clarity” in his mind about how to deal with bullies.

Sam Horn, a bullying expert, talks about this “clarity.” He created a list of “clarity” principles to better handle the bullies in our lives.

1. Clarity that a healthy relationship is one when you have freedom to think and act for yourself.

2. Clarity that you can see the best in people and give them the benefit of doubt until proven otherwise.

3. Clarity that it is your responsibility to speak up if someone crosses the line of common decency.

4. Clarity that you’ll speak up if someone tries to intimidate you.

5. Clarity that you’ll walk tall so bullies won’t perceive you as weak.

6. Clarity that you don’t unwittingly contribute or perpetuate a bully’s mistreatment of you.

7. Clarity that you’ll set limits in advance so people know your boundaries and ethical thresholds. 

8. Clarity that you serve as a role model to others in not passively enduring someone verbally abusing you.

9. Clarity that you don’t volunteer to be a victim.

10. Clarity that you can remove yourself from a relationship in which someone is trying to control or own you.

11. Clarity that you’ll not allow bullies to undermine your sanity or that of your loved ones.

12. Clarity that you don’t give yourself up and you don’t give up on yourself.

