Self-Heal By Laughter
Have you ever thought of the therapeutic impact of laughter in times of emotional woundedness?
When you learn to laugh more at your reactions as opposed to condemning yourself, you’ll discover how positive you can feel about your life.
With laughter, you can see life in its larger context and future possibilities. Good things come out of you when you laugh at yourself.
A new phenomenon called Laughter Clubs, was started by Indian physician, Dr. M. Kataria.
Today, the laughter movement has become a global phenomenon with over 6000 clubs in 60 countries.
These Laughter Clubs realize the great power of laughter. Its efficacy is a best best prescription for wellness.
You can even have a trauma recovery laughter. As a psychotherapist, laughter’s effectiveness is often demonstrated in the many sessions I had with troubled patients.
My work has brought laughter to the lives of many suffering from upsets that are physical, mental and emotional.
Yes, self-heal with laughter..
“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” — Viktor Borge
Photo: Bright Water